Pondering on the nature of Breakfast Tea has led me to the following conclusion.
For many the use of besmirched cutlery is out of the question. Even if the besmirchee is the user of the cutlery then there are prescribed rules for use of the item in question. At this moment in time I choose not to enter into the questionable states of what offices a butter knife may be put to. Although particular items of cutlery have stated uses and preferred practices I will not discuss those. The mention of teaspoon here is not to indicate that this spoon is only for use with tea preparation and consumption but here it indicates the size of the spoon. The said teaspoon once used for conveying conserve is for many not able to serve another separate function until it is cleaned away from and then returned to the table. My boorish use of the marmalade spoon is therefore to many an outlandish observance. My parting statement is to claim that sometimes there is a need to challenge convention and to make new traditions so I claim that my fantastic folly not only brings great relief, but that at my table at least it is not an outlandish observance, but it is a newly adopted rite of proper breakfasting.
Any tea to be consumed by me that has been ‘stirred in’ with a ‘marmalade spoon’ is Breakfast Tea.
Reference terms
‘Marmalade spoon’ - a spoon that having been used to convey the conserve still bears the sumptuous mulled fruits of vintage marmalade.
‘Stirred in’ - this is the act of correctly administering the precise unmeasured amount of tartness that is about to be lovingly incorporated into your breakfast beverage.
The above conclusion is either a fantastic folly, or a great relief, or depending on your views of cutlery and conserve deposits it could be an outlandish observance. If you define a Breakfast Tea by the fact that the preparers of the infusion have labelled it as such then my conclusion is a fantastic folly. To my mind the perfect breakfast often involves tea and toast with vintage marmalade making an unsurpassable contribution. Marmalade in colour, aroma and texture only tantalises the senses but on consumption it enlivens the palette and thrills the mind with rich imaginings. So by using the crowned emperor of the breakfast court to consecrate my tea I feel that the authority vested in matured oranges with thick cut rind raises my beverage even as it may lower it. The addition of what can viewed as mealtime detritus only fit for the sink to my mind lifts and lowers the Breakfast Tea above and below all other cups of the day.
Beyond the fantastic folly of my idea that any tea can be a Breakfast Tea I believe that there is a notion of a great relief delivered to anyone who has searched in vain for Breakfast Tea. If you cannot see beyond the folly of stirring in marmalade then you will not be able to accept the potential stress reduction I am about to detail. If you accept that a spoon used for marmalade extraction can be the vehicle of transformation to your ordinary tea then you have no need to further question the ingredients and concept of Breakfast Tea. The idea of a certain tea for a certain time and meal is rather peculiar, but once a fashionable label has been accepted what more is there to do than to brandish that label in order to ensure that all who know and respect the label are aware that you are to be found enjoying the huddled throng gathered in the shade of that label.