Throughout August in Edinburgh there are surprises waiting
at almost every turn and around each corner.
On our way from venue to venue we happened across a great sound at the
foot of the Mound. This band was a
delight to dance to and to photograph. Unfortunately
the party after this musical surprise somewhat dulled my memory and I did not
remember their name. Fortunately I have
been reminded that this band are The
Spinning Blowfish.
ThatLadyWithTheCamera was kind enough to make a comment on this set on Flickr which has given me a chance to link these pictures to the band. If you have a chance to see the band and to buy their CD do not pass by if your feet are tip tapping and your hands are clapping join in the fray and enjoy a musical interlude to your day.
All photographs copyright 2012©PHH Sykes
Please be in contact if you wish to use them