Tuesday, 25 January 2022

One Scene set in five frames from Full Original with Above and Below Cinema 16.9 Wide Screen Edits this is An Open Star Lit Way Into The Pentland Hills Scotland

The title almost says it all as far as the bounding box of the frame goes. Here are five pictures made from one original. The first, or 1 of 5, is the original image. The flowing pictures have then been cropped in four different cinematic frames. From the original view two above crops turn the eye above and two below crops turn the eye below and the perspective changes are very dramatic between the crops. It is surprising how the eye appreciates the size format and presentation of an image. An Open Star Lit Way Into The Pentland Hills Scotland was achieved with the aid of an assistant without whom there would not be this image thanks and tea will continue to flow and some energy snacks and even ‘quite freaky’ claimed, not shamed coffee, that was positively aimed, not negatively blamed. One Scene set in five frames from Full Original with Above and Below, https://www.flickr.com/photos/phhsykes/albums/72177720296213825 Cinema 16.9 Wide Screen Edits this is An Open Star Lit Way Into The Pentland Hills Scotland 1 of 5 Four strange lights on the horizon in these pictures are shown more clearly here, https://www.flickr.com/photos/phhsykes/albums/72177720296213825 One Scene set in five frames from Full Original with Above and Below Cinema 16.9 Wide Screen Edits this is An Open Star Lit Way Into The Pentland Hills Scotland 1 of 5
The potential UFO sighting of the four lights on the horizon was a great moment of drama as I spotted the unusual pattern of light in the sky and then zoomed in to take a closer look.
© PHH Sykes 2022 phhsykes@gmail.com

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Infinity Bright Owl Focus on Life out of the Sun free Dark

My head is currently struggling to find my shoulders and my neck is missing not answering calls. Somewhere in the dizzying loops there is a centre to my seemingly erratic motions. The journey back to this world is almost complete, I was desperate to feel healthy again and now I wonder why I did not enjoy the other perceptions whilst their root causes had me. Today I have been trying to bring myself back for a Burn’s Night Celebration. Robert Burns was born on 25th January 1759 and many now celebrate on 25 January, or on the nearest day and night available. The whole of my day was focused on being available for tonight unfortunately and very wrong wyrdly I have had a pre-Haggis blow out. Puncture repair including Magic Tea has nearly got me back together. The Magic Tea in question was sometime Scottish Tea and sometime herbal with a waft of inspiration in every inhalation, all products are available through standard shops the Magic Tea is any tea that is magic to me as I engage in adoration at the cauldron cupped sacred brewing that is part of the ritual of Magic Tea.

You are never alone when you find that Athene Hekate Eyes – etakeH enehtA seyE* have you in sight. The bright insight of the helmet raised city crowning warrior Athene and the dark rewarding vision of the secret hidden poisonous otherworldly subtle keys held by Hekate give a joint perspective on unlocking great visions by day and night. One will always either out shine, or dull over the other as they work their way around the infinite loop both opening and closing, holding and exchanging, granting and denying the peerless vision that is their combined perception.

*Athene Hekate Eyes – etakeH enehtA seyE are almost always in view of all that you do either by bright day, or darken night as they together from lofty mountain height to echoing cavern depth have all of the infinite worlds forever fixed in sight.

Please Note if for either any reason, or emotion you do not see yourself on the Athene Hekate Eyes – etakeH enehtA seyE once woollen, for some decorated with ribbons ∞ lemniscate double looped figure of eight like path then I hope that you enjoy your insights along the ways as you find them with Möbius striped bends and turns to bring about true balance and real harmony for you and your loved ones.

© PHH Sykes 2022

Infinity Bright Owl Focus on Life out of the Sun free Dark