Saturday, 26 February 2022

Alight On Faerie Bowers Serpentine Wood Penicuik 4K

I was taken along to be shown these local sites and knew right away that I would be back again someday soon. On day the first for me I took some footage that orbed up beautifully at certain sections. Orbs can be created within the lens and outside the lens by many factors and no matter how scientifically precise the orbs are they are also like dancing faeries. Sorry for orb mentioning in a none available film, but it was at this site. I hope that this film captures a little of the Faerie Glamour created close by the River North Esk in Penicuik with less orbs and still some great charm.

© PHH Sykes 2022

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

On an edge, not the edge, rather one of many edges that we make and then mainly ignore.

Edge of the road, edge of the field each one set with fence so that a small ungrazed edge builds up in the untended vegetation. Very few people stop and look at the field and road separately sectioned. Few people look at the edge of the highway as a sign of the living history of the road that they are on. The trees and bushes are ready to reveal a time line and the lines of wire and posts tell a newer story that rounds off in the bank where the earth back fill shows an elevation of the on going scene.

Following feet and hoofs we made our intricate ways across the open land
following stars, calculating hours by shadow in a way we no longer understand
and now by engine in vehicle on modern construction we clock up our mileage,
as we roll along allowing our end to end journeys to keep from falling off the edge,
of the available tell tale edge of the road that much of the time no one really sees
as we run along the edge of the field and park at the inviting opening into the trees.

© 2022 PHH Sykes

The Scottish Outdoor Access Code

On an edge, not the edge, rather one of many edges that we make and then mainly ignore 2 of 6
On an edge, not the edge, rather one of many edges that we make and then mainly ignore 2 of 6

On an edge, not the edge, rather one of many edges that we make and then mainly ignore 5 of 6
On an edge, not the edge, rather one of many edges that we make and then mainly ignore 5 of 6