Monday, 19 June 2023

The Old Man of Hoy Rock Man and Shadow Face 4K

 I just don’t know the way to words right now, so I am repeating the description from another film and set of 9 pictures, “The Old Man of Hoy Resplendent Rock and Shadow Face.”

Flickr Photographs and Film HD

YouTube 4K

The light is splendid and the scene is full of splendour. Nature made it, stories gave it threads enough to make a garment of imagination and inspiration and here it is just a lens away from my camera. Glorious natural Sun, Sea, Sky and Rock Stack all as one making a sight ready to be engaged with and adored.

I have lived with The Old Man of Hoy in my imagination and vision for several decades. From monochrome TV images through to colour TV and eventually to maps and to sight seeing. The good fortune to have bright light and rich shadow made several faces and on the rock and in the shadows it cast. The Man in the Sea Stack is seen with head and shoulders defining his full all in one image. The other shapes are there bring complex chaos to an otherwise single view.

Pareidolia is the name given to the phenomenon of our seeing faces and making out objects in what we see. We try to understand our world an our instant responses and reactions can be very true for us. The passage of the Sun through the year brings light from different angles to give us new shapes, silhouettes and shadows to enjoy.

I started to think,

Yes Old,

No not a Man

Both off and of Hoy and more

Yes to Hoy, Orkney Scotland and pushing via circuitous routes other islands and even mainlands too

...only in gentle contemplation.

© PHH Sykes 2023

Monday, 12 June 2023

Sun, Sea and Sky off of Scotland on the way to Orkney to reach Shetland

The Sun made the shot, the Sea created the texture and the Sky gave the seeming backdrop.

Take a glorious supreme Sun and a great superb Sea and a grand splendid Sky and that is all it took.

Of course there could have been a Shore, a generous subtle Shore.

There was not a Shore, not a generous subtle Shore for viewers to generously serenely adore.

© PHH Sykes 2023