Saturday, 14 August 2010

Cropper Chopper strike the second

If you have been kind enough to surf through the previous post then you will be aware that I am sharing my neurosis on, “When is a crop actually a chop?”   I choose to crop not to chop and I hope that I am not a Cropper Chopper.

To illustrate the ‘To cut, or not to cut’, with slings and arrows debate:

Crop Choppery 2.0

The scene develops from Crop Choppery 1.0 posted previously and now a new figure enters street stage left.  This baseball caped male seems to dominate the view and to offer a compelling line of sight into the focus of picture whilst also standing as a photo frame for the whole scene.

Crop Choppery 2.1

When the first crop is applied is it really a chop?  The dominating figure of the baseball caped male now seems to be unable to hold the weight of the whole composition on his shoulders.

Crop Choppery 2.2

Now we take another brand new crop and go back to the girl featured in Crop Choppery 1.0 and Crop Choppery 2.0 her intense viewing of the focus of the picture leads to her being able to ‘carry the shot’.

To crop or not to crop is a valid question.
‘tis definitely nobler never to chop.

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