Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Newhaven Harbour Edinburgh Scotland

Newhaven close by Leith and Granton offers up a photographic opportunity at almost every angle. The old harbour has historic beauty and the natural attractions of the sea and sky make superb backdrops and foregrounds depending on how you frame the scenes. This is a wonderful place to visit and to take pictures.

Newhaven is only two miles north of Edinburgh city centre but the harbour is striking different to the metropolis of Scotland's capital city. The sea views obviously make a great deal of change but the whole calmer atmosphere of the old stone set waterfront has a different rhythm to bustling town just a couple of miles away. On the banks of the Firth of Forth you can let the motion of the tides carry you away and the historic settings can drift in out of sharp focus allowing a sense of time to alter in the perception of the viewer.

In 1977 the Newhaven Conservation Area was established and it is one of forty conservation areas in Edinburgh. The existence of so many conservation areas around Edinburgh is no surprise as the city poses many remarkable historic survivals. Newhaven is a site well worth meandering around as the tidal rhythms shift slowly they will carry you out into a sea of your own thoughts, so do take note of the lighthouse as a guide not just to this district but as a marker to steer by as you travel on the flows of the seas in the Firth of Forth and in your self.

Newhaven Harbour Edinburgh Scotland (101)

Newhaven Harbour Edinburgh Scotland (110)

Newhaven Harbour Edinburgh Scotland (112)

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