Tuesday, 3 May 2011

May Day Forget-Me-Not in Midlothian Scotland

The sun was shining brightly as stalked the small flowers with a 180mm lens and 1.4 converter. I came at them from the shadows and they never had a chance to hide their blooms before I had manually focussed and depressed the shutter release. Twin flash heads fired and the image was captured. That is how I got my May Day garland this year.

May Day is a time to celebrate the return of flowers and the warm vibrant months. There is supposed to be a link with Juniper and May Day rites in Scotland. The Juniper was burnt for purification, but I was only wanting to take pictures of flowers. My garland for May Day predominately featured Forget-Me-Not. There is a garland rhyme which is said to be traditional for the day;

The first of May is Garland Day
So please remember the garland.
We don't come here but once a year,
So please remember the garland.

Next year maybe I will light a fire or two in remembrance of times past and to light my way towards all of my tomorrows.

May Day Forget-Me-Not in Midlothian Scotland (101)

May Day Forget-Me-Not in Midlothian Scotland (108)

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