Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Stellar Shades and Luna Shadows Midlothian Scotland

By the light of the moon and under the star filled heavens I was cold and happy to release a couple of different shutters to capture some long exposures.  I was using a Canon 550D and 5D Mark II.  The full frame sensor captures the night scenes far better as it renders the darker tones with more clarity and a lot less noise.   The landscape images 105 and 106 feature the power lines trailing through the night sky and those lines are echoed in the fields below where the grass has been cut in such a way as to create a linear pattern.  The lines in the sky and on the ground are picked out by the available lighting which gives varying prominence to the cables and to the cultivation.  The Moon and Venus were bright on the night when these images were created.  The constellation of Orion can be seen between the legs of the electricity pylon in pictures 101 – 104 and above the stone wall in pictures 107 and 108.

A tripod is essential for winter night photography and a remote release is recommended.  Using a timer release in cold conditions is quite taxing.  Very cold weather usually severely limits the working life of batteries.  Most of all look after yourself then you can enjoy your images without having to suffer the effects of the cold weather.

PHH Sykes

Stellar Shades and Luna Shadows Midlothian Scotland (101)

Stellar Shades and Luna Shadows Midlothian Scotland (103)

Stellar Shades and Luna Shadows Midlothian Scotland (105)

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