Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Mabon Circle Cast Under the Stars

Sometimes the seasons pass and moments go uncelebrated, but that only helps to increase the intensity at those times when we gather to mark the wonders that we enjoy.  Something in everyone reaches out to see a bigger picture and to gain a greater understanding.  If we choose to form our quest into dramatic rites we can as a group explore the beauty of nature and the power of the elements. 

By the light of the Sun and the Moon
We all gathered to enchant our rune
In the shifting dunes on the sea shore
Our path twixt the dark and the light
The balance we sought to explore
The harmony of equal day and night
The ever changing seasons to adore
Under the stars in our Mabon circle rite
Together we all opened an astral door
For our spirits as one to enjoy the flight

These pictures record a gathering at Ainsdale-on-Sea near Liverpool.  The originals are RAW files which have been warmed up slightly to create some of the productions here whilst others have been greatly transformed.  The aim of this set of pictures is to record the evening and the purpose of the gathering with accurate renditions of the events and with artistic interpretations of the atmosphere generated.

Words and pictures PHH Sykes©2012

Mabon Circle Cast Under the Stars 22 Sept 2012 (136)

Mabon Circle Cast Under the Stars 22 Sept 2012 (131)

Mabon Circle Cast Under the Stars 22 Sept 2012 (109)

Monday, 24 September 2012

Mabon Rites on Ainsdale Beach

This whole beach event was brought into being when our venue booking was usurped.  With limited options we spread our horizons and went in search of the greatest canopy under which we could erect our temple.  Below are the texts of two internet posts that I made to those who had joined us on the beach.

What a great idea to get sand in our toes and starlight on our heads as the sun went down and the moon rose high in to the western aspect of our sky.  Out to sea and far away our ancients be waiting in a world beyond duality.

Last night from the ending of the land formed and featured by the overlapping surging seas we stood on shifting sands under an equally bright dark moon that seemed so well set for Mabon in that evening's darkening sky, it appeared as a seed of light holding promise of brighter days to come and warmth to return once winter has been and gone. The half bright moon was showing us a sign that we are not left behind when the summer passes away and night takes over day.

Words and pictures PHH Sykes©2012

Mabon Rites on Ainsdale Beach (103)

Mabon Rites on Ainsdale Beach (109)

Mabon Rites on Ainsdale Beach (120)

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

An Evening in Edinburgh

A record of city lights shaping shadows.

When a friends were arriving from Scotland, Ireland and England to visit in Edinburgh in August we had to take a peek at the action on the cobbles.  The Fringe was unfurled before us like a living tapestry of the world of arts.  From Hunter Square to the Castle we ambled back and forth taking in the wonders of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.  When they rushed into the The Jolly Judge it was time for me to power up a camera and to see what details I could tease from the shadows.

All photographs copyright 2012©PHH Sykes
Please be in contact if you wish to use them

An Evening in Edinburgh (101)

An Evening in Edinburgh (109)

An Evening in Edinburgh (110)