IAO bring balance
and Pan grant harmony
to one to all
so none are left to fall
Great Gods answer the mortal call
and prepare a perfect place of greatening grace
so that we that aspire aim higher and higher
to achieve the harmony in balance
and joyous beauty such that call answer call
and rewards are given so that none are left to fall
as the balanced harmony is given all to all.
We have been seeing faces in trees for a long time. This one in the photograph was created by the growth of the Yew tree. The natural growth remained hidden from view as part of the tree trunk. It was only available to be seen after a chainsaw had cut an uneven and textured plane through the trunk of the tree. Pareidolia is the name for the psychological phenomenon that gives rise to people seeing patterns in random stimulus. Faces in trees have been linked to what the roots are growing in, the shoots reveal what the roots find in the dark recesses of the soil. This has led to ideas of trees forming a face of the spirit of the place, or even revealing the presence of hidden remains so that the shoots show what was secreted away. The presence of faces on tree burial sites for humans will be a great connection for some who wish to see their loved ones in the trees. This Yew held on to the face hidden in the trunk until it was deemed to be blocking a path.
IAO, consist of three Greek letters Iota, Alpha and Omega. IAO is noted as a Gnostic god form, seen as both a Sun God and a Mystery God. The primary universal nature and use of IAO led to it being later identified with the Hebrew Tetragrammaton of IHVH formed by the letters Yod Heh Vau Heh which is well known as Jehovah and Yahweh. Both IAO and IHVH are used as formulae to explore and explain all natural creation. IAO to me can be a spoken key of threefold introduction to a journey into everything and nothing where all is possible.
The character of Pan has been built around his name meaning All. His connection to all gives him access to the ecosystem as greeter, guide and guardian of the groves in which he is often found and again through his All he is found wherever you happen to look for him, to call him and he is there even when you attempt to ignore him. A call to IAO and Pan is to issue a note and to create an invitation for the natural aspects to hear, to absorb and to respond as they see fit. The scientist can record the echo and those in meditation may hear answers to an unasked questions that they had not realised were in the IAO Pan even as they enunciated it. We are great creatures and we can choose to adore great gods. If we ask nothing from everything our own reflective nature will allow us time and space to hear what we want and then to listen further in search of what we need to an understanding of what we have and how best to fulfil our self with All.
PHH Sykes copyright 2019
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