Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Hḗlios ánthos calling out to be in mind ever amongst us displaying Sun a...

Hḗlios ánthos calling out to be in mind ever amongst us displaying Sun answering and offering much fond remembering

See flowers and find the Sun ripening and burgeoning on Earth. Watch the colours of life live with the Bees stretching out the ground reaching out towards the trees. None of our perceptions are why the Sunflower has become so popular. The flower in nature found a place to thrive and after all of the natural struggle, happenstance and success we have the perception of the flower talking to us and we might be the ones to give a place all around the world bringing out millions of new connections all brightly, prominently and beautifully unfurled.

The heart shape is just how the plant looked that day. I am just to one side of the flower and today in 2024 I cut the picture with straight line and then reflected the cut image. I took these pictures in 2023 and edited and released some then. I do look for picture opportunities where I can reflect an image.

Guess who has been watching Vincent Van Gogh and some of the Sunflower legacy that is painted in, written down and reverberantly freshly vibrantly felt around the world in the history and mystery of known and unknown of documented in letters and illustrated in art of his and of those that inspired him and then of those that he inspired?

© PHH Sykes 2024

Soundtrack through Cyberlink derived from,
Taira Komori – Night Wind 1 and 2

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Maybe, too much Everything found in silence and sound somehow with a how...

Maybe, too much? Everything found in silence and sound somehow with a howl out to the ones that growl...

Maybe, no not maybe rather too much of everything found in silence and in sound altogether not different rather in allied divisions of the infinite each one a part of THE ONE, every fulfilling all and so generating THE ALL.

At the entrance to Brochs there are small corbelled dens that some see as dog houses with them positioned so that the pack is poised ready to either blockade with their furious sea of swirling strength, or to welcome you through with their frantic show of faith. Dogs are marvellous. We are not always good enough for them.

On Orkney there are places that have been found with animal signatures. Presumed as totem items to bring an identify to the people in kit, kith and clan. There is famously The Tomb of the Eagles and then there is The Tomb of the Hounds, or as many say The Tomb of the Dogs which is neither as find rich nor as recent so less detailed than The Tomb of the Eagles. Then there is your individual discernment, even discrimination. The Hound faithful and helpful is often not seen as high on the animal scale of some perceived divine dignitary of animals where almost in a scoring game people hone their perceptions on the height, length and purpose in flight, upon the ground and within waters. Shamanistic ideals of purpose and best use might be wrapped tighter in smaller, shorter and more acclimatised and best designed ideals. For me The Tomb of the Dogs has always held me in very fond canine fascination.

“The skulls of 24 dogs on the chamber floor.”
Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn - History

I find revelation and regeneration in historic places. They are a fight for me to reach and an utter tremendous moment to be in washed with history, robed in mystery and released from the painful pressing concerns. The journeys, the quests and the healing pathways never end in the ancient places. The people that sited the ancient places had open space to fit their framework into place. The memories of such places are to me fantastic visions. As I type the Moon shines in Cuween and I am howling...

I have been to Cuween before and it has had me in awe since I heard about The Tomb of the Dogs, visited the chambered cairn and revisited The Tomb of the Hounds. I was happy sat in the burial area thinking and not thinking, in and out of the moment with nothing and everything all together with each other and at once, at one and at none. I had been so ill and now the world could stop and carry on and every part was sung in a song of fantastic fates and wondrous wyrd, of cunning craft and of great working, of time given, enjoyed and never forgotten, all of everything spoken held in human token of a pattern of life left open...

© PHH Sykes 2024

Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn

Cuween Hill

“...one of 24 dog skulls found in a Neolithic passage tomb – the so-called 'tomb of the dogs' – at Cuween Hill in Orkney.”
“This is the only dog skull to have made it into a museum; the others are believed to be lost.”

4K YouTube version

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

The Hat, these pictures exist to show a thank you for the hat 4K v2.0

Thank you Craig for the hat.
The hat is very often the best part of me. It does a great job at keeping my head working with a touch of warmth and also by great good fortune offering a brim to frame up the world around me and to protect any camera. It is a universal excellent piece of kit against light being too strong at the rear of the camera and would provide limited snow and rain cover if I was that hardy to be in adverse weather. As it is I too battered, broken and bruised to be out in all weathers and so a hat works well for me during my limited image creations.

Is it even any sort of, “thank you,” if it is not a Blogger Thank You?

Of course it is, any thank you is always in all ways a thank you.

© PHH Sykes 2024

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Variety in Pix °CineStill TCS 1000 “Temperature Control System” You can...

°CineStill TCS-1000 “Temperature Control System” You cannot see it but this one has a UK Plug

I have been lost in Photoshop. I was having ideas in Lightroom and they led to edits and on to Photoshop CS and from there they are stretching out towards some notion of motion pictures. I have not used this Film Temperature Control System. I have been calling a film cooker. It looks superb and it comes with a three pin U.K. Plug fitted ready for accurate simmering film into tender toner and sharpish shadows and might fine highlights.

I have used two fonts to give °CineStill a look as it has in the packaging.

© PHH Sykes 2023

CineStill TCS-1000 - Temperature Control System - UK Plug