The dark cross suddenly revealed inscribed in shadow by the Sun along the way to Hawthornden Castle
There are some good links below. My reflected images don’t get many views, here they are though. Some pictures I take I see the reflection opening up the scene. Here the dark cross caught my eye and the potential to extend the original image from a landscape orientation and then from a portrait orientation fired my mind and then, and then someone rose from their lower perspective photography and stood in my scene. Suddenly I was woken from my image making dream. They were a great photography companion and the only reason that I was there and out and about with a camera. No shade on them for elevate themselves from a close-up photography Yoga pose focused on a flower I believe. They can puncture my composed dream frames anytime, also in any place and in all space and none, even if their puncture power means the dream scene has gone.*
The Sun will shine and cast shadows and in inspecting them we can tell the time. We can see line and with a care we can watch the minutes and hours pass as the line moves. If we wish we can look at light as the generative creator of life and we can see shadow as an opposition a place that will not respond to the clarion call of the Sun. Shadow and shade bring about their own distinct wonders and Shadow is created and directed in constant movement by light of varying intensity. We humans have considered good and bad omens from the force of the Sun and from the reaction of shade, shadow and subterranean sunless places as well as the phase of the Moon displaying reflected radiance of the Sun and at times the Moon shrouds the Sun in eclipse of amazing exactness gifting sight of the edge the immediate crown of the star that illuminates us and leaves us to the further distant view of the other stars and planets by night. All this to say Sun and Shadow, direct light and reflection and refraction all the time in world seemingly making and recreating signs and symbols that we divine as the language of light and the symphony of dark. Light is light and lack of light is either less, or even total darkness with no need to try to read the light and to listen to the dark. After this mention of omen and even prediction everything below this is information about the absolutely stunning location.
Hawthornden Castle stands atop several layers of caves that have been extended into amazing chambers visited by many famous people on their Scottish tours. The castle is one of three close together all taking advantage of the steep escarpment that offers natural rock protection above the North Esk river flowing swiftly below. Roslin Glen is home to Rosslyn Castle and many believe the Holy Grail resides here too, there are wonderful legends and fantastic natural formations throughout the glen, plenty enough to enjoy even beyond the quest for the Holy Grail.
Linked below are Hawthornden Castle, near Edinburgh by Alexander Nasmyth from the Google Art Project and both Roslin Glen cared for by Rosslyn Chapel Trust, as well as Roslin Glen Country Park and also Wallace’s Cave, the other cave and prehistoric rock carvings.
The Hawthornden Foundation is linked below they are a part of bigger project with events and hosting writers to stay in places such as Hawthornden Castle for a month of focused literary working days.
*The Dream Scene Puncture Repair Kit is currently available from the Akashic Records at wherever you usually Yoga access them. They can help you achieve stone solid results and icon Sphinx like waking scenes and also avoid all frame puncture at every photographic juncture. Higher State close lens search for Dream Scene Puncture Repair in Khemtastic Pack IV Pharaoh Awakes near potential pyramid lakes. If you have not found The Dream Scene Puncture Repair Kit then join the rest of us that either have to recompose and take another dream scene, or move on literally figuratively and even spiritually if your dream close to fulfilment was such a wondrous scene.
© PHH Sykes 2024
Hawthornden Castle
Alexander Nasmyth - Hawthornden Castle, near Edinburgh - Google Art Project
Hawthornden Foundation Hawthornden Castle
Hawthornden Foundation
Wallace's Cave, cave and rock carvings SM6825
Rosslyn Chapel Trust is responsible for the conservation
and care of part of the picturesque landscape known as Roslin Glen,
which is adjacent to Rosslyn Castle and Rosslyn Chapel.
Roslin Glen Country Park
Roslin Glen Country Park
'Wallace's Cave'
Archaeology Notes
Roslin Glen And Hawthornden Castle
Date of Inclusion: 31/03/2001
1:20,000Map Scale:
Council: Midlothian
Designation Reference: GDL00327
The monument known as Wallace's Cave, cave and rock carvings