there a tripod used, did I remember which lens took which pictures?
are pictures and they do tell me something, not in any science way as
the pictures have been edited beyond testing the lenses. Now to go
back and do it all for science and the opportunity to quest on a test
and discover what is expressed not confessed.
There a fantastic bird noise between The Roman Antonine Wall sites much further North than Hadrian’s Wall and nearby The Carriden The Witches Stone
There really was.
There is a bird flying Centre Dark on Bright Right to Left at 22 Seconds.
This film was shot between the two outcrops of The Roman Antonine Wall in sight of The Firth of Forth much further North and Hadrian’s Wall and nearby The Carriden The Witches Stone.
Title in description is, “There a fantastic bird noise.”
Title in film, “There was a fantastic bird noise.”
Both are correct, one is issued more emphatically than the other. If you like one better then that is the title that works for you. If the titles do nothing for you then who needs a title, to this presentation?
This day was a slice of beauty and history with intricate involvement with Sun and Sky, Woods and Birdlife galore.