Thursday, 27 October 2022

Dirleton Castle Here Be Dragons

 “Here be dragons” means dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons, sea monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps where potential dangers were thought to exist.

It may be that Medieval Map Makers wrote, “Here be dragons,” to indicate untold dangers and to warn away some exploration, or at least ask any such explorers to bring back a few line illustrations to update maps, charts and guides. When I say Dirleton Castle Here Be Dragons, I mean Dirleton Castle Here Be Dragons. The Dragon was posing for pictures and stating that Photoshop was allowed to bring out his armoured scale magnificence and to sparkle the light of gentle soft slightly flaming snores illuminating sleepily tinkling pillowed to perfection golden hoards of the past, the present and those yet to come within his eyes.

I saw the Dragon Eggs hatch and fly away for Winter and it is possible that the Dragon, as pictured here, may have flown away til Spring 2023. Please do ask if you are looking to see either The Dragon, as pictured here, or The Nest, either with, or without The Eggs. The Dragon, The Nest, The Eggs and The Man at Arms Presentations are all worth a visit for and along with them there is a Castle and Grounds that are superb.

For updates on The Dragon, The Nest, The Eggs and The Man at Arms Presentations and for artistic recreations of Castles and Historic Scenes I follow their creator on Twitter.

Andrew Spratt @andrewsp2009

Dirleton Castle is cared for by Historic Environment Scotland

Dirleton, East Lothian, EH39 5ER

01620 850 465

I have copyrighted my work on the maps that are available for none profit use through,

National Library of Scotland

I only add as it gives me a way to help work with the use as linked above.

I will gladly grant copyright for none profit use of my work and I am not trying to make any profit from these images.

One Dragon and one picture lead to edits and inclusions with different arrows running through the numbers and letters of 70 Miles and then text inserted into an empty cartouche, “Lairs of Dragons open for visitors,” not to forget the two large above and below titles of, “Dirleton Castle,” at the top and, “Here Be Dragons,” at the foot. I have been consumed by Dragon, Maps and Text til I was nothing except Dragon edits. I have not configured every version of Dragon, Maps and Text possible and some of the completed designs have not made it to Flickr, YouTube and Blogger. Now I have to recover from Dragon consumption and find another focus once I am recovered. I have footage of a Knight in armour firing his cannon from a crenelated tower, the boom, boom is not yet filling the room, but like Mr. Toad I have heard the Thunder of the Future and in a Retrace Lightening Pathway I am accelerating aspects of The Past towards Fixations Of The fHuture*.

*FOTH - Fixations Of The fHuture are thoughts that flutter like moths til instead of them flying towards a source of illumination they have the light seek the person experiencing FOTH is the source of their illumination and the light travels towards the, at first small not too distant, FOTH and the intense focus of the person generates a metamorphosis to the friendly FOTH that expands and transmutes til is comfort blanket and furnace of inspiration with keys to unlock engaging experiences galore.

© PHH Sykes 2022

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Polaroid PolarAid to view The PolaVerse with Lasting Instant Imaging

Polaroid PolarAid to view The PolaVerse with Lasting Instant Imaging 1 Lapiodro 2 Lipodaro 3 Lodiparo 4 Loopiard

Polaroid in extensions giving an insight into the potential in action as a box is opened…

Extension in order of increase,

1. Lapiodro – Square to light centre and four reversed Squardles

2. Lipodaro - Lapiodro Original Square Squaredly Squared upon itself now with sixteen reversed Squardles

3. Lodiparo – 16.9 Cinema Style Lipodaro Bi-Half-Squaredly Squared with thirty-two reversed Squardles

4. Loopiard – Lipodaro Squaredly Squared giving sixty-four reversed Squardles

Squaredly Squared – a process of squaring I think,

Bi-Half-Squaredly – possibly a reflection, or repetition in extension.

Squardles – same square of four, (or more), in opposite internal reflection to all of the other parts of the square-ish pattern.

Squarish – not quite a square created out of four elements that came together nicely.

Squared Sight Squarish Seeing Squardles and Squaredly Sites EVERYWHERE -SSSSSaSSE – SAsse is shortish term slight infection and by definition the apparent pixel printed grids and lined up light shines on envisioned 90 degrees that are part projection as you seek repetition and reflection.

© PHH Sykes 2022

Not every day is a Polaroid Day

A new box opened, a fresh foil rent asunder and a cassette revealed ready to bring a record of an instant to life from light.

Not every day is a Polaroid Day, today was not. Today was a chance to take a picture of an opened box with a phone camera that with digital uploads can have a photograph available to the world quicker than the Polaroid chemicals bring an image to life on the light sensitive photograph paper.

Polaroid have nearly vanished and have been resurrected.

Polaroid are icon with a cult like following.

© PHH Sykes 2022

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

I tried not take these cheese pictures and I failed to hold back my shut...

I tried not take these cheese pictures and I failed to hold back my shutter rush

Battered Truckle in Colour to Smooth Heart in Mono

When buying this cheese some months ago I looked upon it as sustenance for a photography idea. It was also edible. Then as the maturing process continued with the long life truckle I wavered between taking pictures, thinking that they would never be processed and only ever be virtual compositions in my sight and not taking pictures for a victory of life lived beyond digital recording. Had it been a film project a different focus would have been generated. After cutting into the cheese I virtually caved in and took pictures. I edited two pictures together to have two areas in focus one from each image and removed the scars from the wax and added a reflection on the knife. None of the edits were completed, they are intimations towards a better image that I attempted and now shared. Had it been a film project a different focus would have been generated. Digital gives us instant potential to record a moment as it happens, or as it matures for months, a moment decided upon without taking photographs and then yet another change of mind and suddenly something to share. The cheese was superb and it cut into three sections without any decision to cause the division that created another object that was another potential for either photography, or life without recording. We have a new perception and completion available in our current digital and virtual worlds.

© PHH Sykes 2022

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

The green and brown heart often flowered with colour and brilliance... 4K

The green and brown heart often flowered with colour and brilliance once held green routes and always held runs and pathways and those routes brought more traffic to open up the forest and to field and stockade farm the valleys. Today the modern roads take us exactly where we wish with digital precision on our phones directing our feet and our vehicles. The roads take us on journeys over the land and through history opening up access to the modern and to the ancient and we have had more freedom of movement for every reason we have from trade and tourism to refuge to and escape from what the roads have brought into our lives. We had travel to broaden our perspective and flight to reach across the globe and technology to virtually bring our home and our individual life onto each of the screens all over the world sharing emotion and making fantastic new versions and aversions of living. Our routes to reach each other have stretched from nomadic paths and star guided voyages to much of the world being only a search away on any of our modern devices all connected via routes like roots that become popular and well traced as well as little utilised and left to dwindle. We have greater access to humanity than ever before and we take the routes we wish to connect us as we will. Our new virtual routes following our expressed emotions are filled with animal inspired pathways, we still search for tracks and traces following the paths of animals across an electronic terrain. Many human take time to view remote natural wonders and we have our intense interactive focus on food for the mind and the body and for the soul. Paths once through the natural green and brown and multicoloured heart of the land and now across globe spanning highways brought me here and now you too.

© PHH Sykes 2022