Friday, 24 November 2023

Highland Light the magical gift of the temperate climate of Scotland and...

Highland Light the magical gift of the temperate climate
of Scotland and mountain scenery

The light the Light the LIGHT.
In property they say location, location, location.
In photography location can bring light and atmospheric conditions.
Once there at either the chosen location, or directed, or even the happenstance found location I would suggest that the magical quality that releases the subject and scene is the light the Light the LIGHT.

Subject – Sunject
Scene – Sunce
Except at night when
Subject – Moonject
Scene – Moonce
and also
Subject – Stellaject
and not forgetting found light
Subject – Founject
Scene – Stellence
Artificial light,
Subject – Lighject
Scene – Liunce
Scene – Founce*

Pease ignore the above at whichever level you wish to disagree with it. Please enjoy the above at all levels and sections if you can. Please to find of use and of no use as best suits you.

*This is not an extensive list of light the Light the LIGHT the maker of happy photographic subjects and scenes.

© PHH Sykes 2023