Sunday 2 June 2024

Too much eye colour, I put my iris into some mono pictures and so now ob...

Too much eye colour, I put my iris into some mono pictures and so now obviously I have gone too far with the process

There is a film file with 15 of these loch side portraits without the coloured eyes. After initially setting my iris from the original colour pictures into 7 of the mono versions I should have stopped having gained all the information required. The original pictures are taken with the selfie camera and in processing they have been resized to that of the front camera. From 2880 x 3840p they have been enlarged to 3060 x 4080p. Yet dpi is down from 96dpi to 72dpi. The quick cut original colour iris of the eyes with a touch of brightness is not very fitting to a calm portrait, but it does show the edge of detail and the strength of separation in contrast and definition. If the pictures were from either a better lit scene, or from a better resolution lens and camera then the iris would be easier to select and better to view. By using the small iris as the target in the pictures the quality of the image is shown when a viewer enlarges the image to look just how well fitting the coloured iris appears in the images. Overall for a selfie camera on a phone the selective colour on the portraits is very good indeed.

Loch Ness quick self portraits taken in between experiencing the wonders available in, on and around this iconic location. The location chosen here was the near anonymous car scene, rather than the amazing beauty and of course the changeable wonderful views available just beyond the confines of the near anonymous vehicle. Of course we saw the monster(s) and they were very friendly and also maybe most importantly there was no ‘chompy chomp chomp’ whilst in the loch. They requested no pictures please at this time as they were scale moulting for their Winter Sheen coat, so instead you have images of the monstrous elusive me. My eyes as pictured have been edited in Adobe Lightroom both ‘Sclera’ and then ‘Iris and Pupil’ functions were jiggered with. There are 15 portraits in total in the film version, I will not load them all as JPEG files, rather a I will just share a couple of examples. The tests mentioned are to jog my memory of settings and functions and to learn how best to record a scene for my digital memories that are my proposed ‘ones and zeros’ for future viewing happiness. Tech can be kind and emotionally supportive as we all finding out, it can also fail drastically.

© PHH Sykes 2024

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