Friday, 29 November 2019

War Piglet The Art of Warfare and of Roasting

In the following 2 minutes you will be shown the basics in hurling incendiary bombs in the style recorded by our ancestors. Pig fat is noted as being used to create intense fires when underground mines were opened up below besieged positions and the mines and counter mines were set on fire, or fired to bring down the defences above, or to cave in the mines below. The pig fire below, in the mines, could be complemented as seen here with a flying, a flying fiery piglet. If you can then do go along and see Andrew Spratt at His Man at Arms demonstrations they are superb living history in action.

If you are able do get to see Andrew Spratt. His Man at Arms demonstrations are superb. The history and story telling is filled with entertaining sections for all ages as he brings the past to life and enacts the grim and glorious deeds set down in plain and illuminated pages. Quite literally items are shown clearly inked in manuscripts and then a replica is produced so that our perceptions of humanity are brought out of the past to the present giving us a chance to appreciate the journey we have travelled. There is a great section on bread and piglets. There is the chance to see someone that lives the role delivering the insight with humour of the life and times of the Man at Arms.

PHH Sykes copyright 2019

I follow Andrew on Twitter where he posts his historical reconstructions of castles, battles and other scenes.
Andrew Spratt

Monday, 18 November 2019

Trinity Three into One and One into Three also 3 into 1 into 3

The concept of Trinity is used in several religious expressions. In Goddess Worship, in modern Western Magick, in revised Hermetism and New Age Shamanism the trinity rises to give a frame for belief to weave a well made cloth that can wear throughout our existence.

In thinking Trinity I would ask that you might look for principals such as those listed below and the ones you wish to hold dear as your loom off three strands weaves three threads that call to another three and three til 9 holds close everything in single figures and naught gives us a gateway before 1, after 9 and 0 is an availability to leave a cycle at all times and to reach out in all direction with threads finding principles to create a Trinity at our Core.

Poise Liking Listening Balance Harmony Unity Present Focused Engaged Speaking Enjoying Beholding Appreciating Loving

The above list is only given as a suggestion to start the potential identification and celebration of Trinity within our own worlds.

PHH Sykes copyright 2019

Thursday, 14 November 2019

IAO bring balance and Pan grant harmony 2 of 3 and 4

IAO bring balance and Pan grant harmony 2 of 3 and 4

IAO bring balance
and Pan grant harmony
to one to all
so none are left to fall
Great Gods answer the mortal call
and prepare a perfect place of greatening grace
so that we that aspire aim higher and higher
to achieve the harmony in balance
and joyous beauty such that call answer call
and rewards are given so that none are left to fall
as the balanced harmony is given all to all.

We have been seeing faces in trees for a long time. This one in the photograph was created by the growth of the Yew tree. The natural growth remained hidden from view as part of the tree trunk. It was only available to be seen after a chainsaw had cut an uneven and textured plane through the trunk of the tree. Pareidolia is the name for the psychological phenomenon that gives rise to people seeing patterns in random stimulus. Faces in trees have been linked to what the roots are growing in, the shoots reveal what the roots find in the dark recesses of the soil. This has led to ideas of trees forming a face of the spirit of the place, or even revealing the presence of hidden remains so that the shoots show what was secreted away. The presence of faces on tree burial sites for humans will be a great connection for some who wish to see their loved ones in the trees. This Yew held on to the face hidden in the trunk until it was deemed to be blocking a path.

IAO, consist of three Greek letters Iota, Alpha and Omega. IAO is noted as a Gnostic god form, seen as both a Sun God and a Mystery God. The primary universal nature and use of IAO led to it being later identified with the Hebrew Tetragrammaton of IHVH formed by the letters Yod Heh Vau Heh which is well known as Jehovah and Yahweh. Both IAO and IHVH are used as formulae to explore and explain all natural creation. IAO to me can be a spoken key of threefold introduction to a journey into everything and nothing where all is possible.

The character of Pan has been built around his name meaning All. His connection to all gives him access to the ecosystem as greeter, guide and guardian of the groves in which he is often found and again through his All he is found wherever you happen to look for him, to call him and he is there even when you attempt to ignore him. A call to IAO and Pan is to issue a note and to create an invitation for the natural aspects to hear, to absorb and to respond as they see fit. The scientist can record the echo and those in meditation may hear answers to an unasked questions that they had not realised were in the IAO Pan even as they enunciated it. We are great creatures and we can choose to adore great gods. If we ask nothing from everything our own reflective nature will allow us time and space to hear what we want and then to listen further in search of what we need to an understanding of what we have and how best to fulfil our self with All.

PHH Sykes copyright 2019

Saturday, 9 November 2019

1347 Gatehouse Dirleton Castle 2010 rereleased 2019

Please forgive the 1347 hour and minute as opposed to the year if you can? This was intended as short fun film.  Dirleton Castle is well worth a visit and the history in and around the site is superb.

“1347 Gatehouse Dirleton Castle,” was filmed in and first released in 2010 now it is rereleased 2019. It was released on my individual YouTube Channel which was called 111Aleph after me. That Channel has not been available for sometime.

This film is also not what I was looking for right now. So I will still continue searching. Hopefully there will be more releases from 111Aleph soon and will find what I am looking for.

PHH Sykes copyright 2019

IAO in the vaults 2010 rereleased 2019

The Gnostics have a way with words, with letters, with languages through the ages, with images, with sound and design all well set to create an impression of the divine.

“IAO in the vaults,” was filmed in and first released in 2010 now it is rereleased 2019. We expect tens of people to flock to see this online film. “IAO in the vaults,” was originally on Pucks Portal which at this moment exists only in fragments.

This film is not what I was looking for. I will continue searching. Hopefully there will be more from Pucks Portal soon.

PHH Sykes copyright 2019

Friday, 8 November 2019

Temple Wood Harvesting Slide Show Audio and Spoken Delight

One October Morn 22 of such 2019 Thursday
(herein lies nothing beyond light on machines
and a vision of mechanical lumberjacking
with both sadness and delight clearly in sight,
you have been warned)

Each gem has been cut to give facet on facet of jewel allure

This Slide Show contains danger warnings only active on location

A spoonful of brilliant bright Light was added to a pinch of the richest russet of the Earth both together blended into the constantly changing Sky and all was rounded off with unruly Shadow as is my usual scheme of editing.

Here is a second short record of the tree felling at the North of Temple village at the side of the B6372. The trees are on the route for many who come to the village for the Church ruins and Templar Preceptory remains.

Here is a second short film that could, hopefully lead to some more posts as the still pictures are yet to be uploaded. There are some more trial and error cuts and shuts that should serve to point to better success with touch of magic and an edit suite large enough to contain the chock-full virtual cauldron contents. The wording present in and around the slide show is all inspirational.

PHH Sykes copyright 2019

Monday, 4 November 2019

Devil and Lovers 0 0 Octogasm Lovers Angel Eye in Triangle

Devil and Lovers 0 0 Octogasm
This is on of two images taken from the following original.

Devil and Lovers 0 0 Octogasm

Both images show detail from the original.

The other image that stand in comparison to this one is as follows.

Devil and Lovers 0 0 Octogasm Devil Eye in Triangle

Devil and Lovers 0 0 Octogasm Devil Eye in Triangle 

Michaelmas Seen Through The Rider Smith Waite Tarot Cards of The Lovers and The Devil

The day of Michaelmas is noted for many as the 29 of September each year. Some have three and some have four Archangels as messengers at charge ready to join in the celebration of the triumph of Archangel Michael leading the Heavenly Host in the battle over Lucifer. The cards that I have worked on have been chosen to illustrate the fall of Eden, the rise of man and the potential to see the conflict as a struggle, as a battle that we can all win. If the Devil Card reveals the call to the animal and the lustful nature then The Lovers illustrates the clarion call of the former idyll the paradise of Eden giving us a visionary gateway to bring back the memory of long summer days that lived up to make the perfect moment so special we wish to enjoy it again and again. The combination of good and evil iconography in these images is reset to bring the balance of want and need, of gluttony and greed into a new image composed in a very familiar symbolic structure now embellished and set to inspire new visions. The battle between good and evil can be a religious experience and an expression of faith. The same battle of good and evil can be the balance we can create to make a better world for all to share through our deep set and openly given sense of community that builds the world we all need.

These images are edited version of the original Rider Smith Waite Tarot Cards. William Rider & Son published the illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith that completed the description written by Arthur Edward Waite. The film versions describes how the transitions between the images appear to be revealing their symbol structure through an x-ray, or other scanning technology. There is no suggestion that these two cards were designed to be set one on top of the other, or side by side. I have made 60 variations to subtly illustrate what I wanted to reveal in the images when they are combined giving an insight that can be used to view the balance of The Lovers in Eden and in Hell The Devil. Hopefully I will have my film on line again soon that reveals the Four Angels in the Rider Smith Waite Tarot Cards.
PHH Sykes copyright 2019