Friday 20 October 2023

Mind stretch at Knowe of Yarso Chambered Cairn 4K

Within the newly roofed original stone confine

was a way marked out to encounter the divine.

Step by step I moved in closer to the moment

My heart beat in my ears was a rhythmic stream

There could have been an ordeal a wyrd torment

Instead there was in and out all through a dream
In the tomb there finding a womb that had the room

For every connection ever made, even almost made

The impossible mind garden began to beautifully bloom
There was a familiar new inspiring soundtrack being played
The end and the beginning of days was unreleased through haze
Heart beats were slow as an hour so that so much could bloom and flower
In a million, million enlightening encounters were the openings of so many, many ways
The fuel to reach out and to embrace, to know and to continue was a gift of
the ever divine power

I was lost in dim darkness and I was rewarded with the return to the day light.

Somehow, somewhere in darkness there was a blinding glimpse of second sight.

Return to Re-burn as Re-torn and Reborn

© PHH Sykes 2023

Thursday 19 October 2023

Knowe of Yarso Chambered Cairn Return to the Light at the right height w...

Knowe of Yarso Chambered Cairn Return to the Light at the right height with new made sight a gift from the Wight

I was lost in dim darkness and I was rewarded with the return to the day light.

© PHH Sykes 2023

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Entrance Interior Graffiti and Summon to Surface Wideford Cairn Orkney S...

 Entrance Interior Graffiti and Summon to Surface Wideford Cairn Orkney Scotland

If only… If only I had time to edit the footage and stills into a great presentation? If only I could bend a little more like I used to be able to, so many if only questions were miracle managed away into workable answers?

“If only,” is where it is. This film is something from 2023 that I did manage to get to. The whole trip was full of virtual potholes in the road for me rather than being resplendent with entrances to another world. Where and when I could I let go of this current consciousness and found what was waiting underground.

Then I called back and left the home for bone in the stone womb and found the surface full of another world as the current climate rapturously unfurled, commination curled and all heath and hell burly hurled as past consciousness updated in a global reset and the seasons fell away to the power of heating warming homes where we enjoy a much more stable life within a much more enriched skin no scarce hunt, no sparse fishing trip will reach our larders, we are all empowered within our guarded borders.

© PHH Sykes 2023

Wideford Hill Chambered Cairn Kirkwall, Orkney

Megalithic Portal - Wideford Hill Chambered Cairn

Wideford Barrow / Cairn Cemetery

Wideford Hill Chambered Cairn

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Temple Arch the last above ground Templar Remnant just outside Edinburgh...

The village of Temple in Midlothian is where the Knights Templar held their primary and principal Preceptory in Scotland. There are some trees that might follow along lines of previous structures. There is a patch of rough ground that may one day be archaeologically be further investigated generating more detail about this site. For now there is a ruined kirk managed by TEMPLE OLD KIRK FRIENDS, please see the link below. The kirk is well worth a view, but it is not old enough to be a Templar building, there could be a reuse of stone still holding information held right now within the present structure. The stone archway pictured here is quickly photographed as I chatted of knights, of bold deeds, of traditions of yore and of the way forward we can create to reach out and to become legendary for peace making and social caring as we all make one world a safer, better and happier a place to be.

The pictures start with the arch that stands even though it is heavily worn by time. We progress away from the archway and look briefly at the significant trees standing with the stones over centuries. There are pictures that show a tree that is slowly breaking back down into the ground. There are pictures of the nearby old school that stands close to the arch. Any structure close by might have opened up and then sealed in some historic evidence. The evidence focussed upon today can be microscopic soil structure and also hue. The ground holds secrets here and one day further archaeological excavation might open up new details. Til then we have the archway behind the old school and our imagination.

From this spot you can look out to the ports of Edinburgh, to the Firth of Forth and across to Fife. This place stands secure once within it’s own sovereignty. The inspirational stories of old seem to have a fine place here to reside.

© PHH Sykes 2023