Sunday 9 January 2011

A Servant of Two Masters performed by Beloit Memorial High School Theatre

Here are just a couple of pictures from the Royal Mile in Edinburgh 2010.  I was fortunate enough to photograph the cast of A Servant of Two Masters performed by Beloit Memorial High School Theatre.  These pictures have been posted in an increased size and number after a contact was made on Flickr.  It is quite a revelation of power the global community to have a comment made on my pictures which lead to me being able to make new edits and more pictures available to the people in the pictures about 4,000 miles away.  The High Street in Edinburgh throughout August is a great place to take wonderful candid pictures as there is so much going on there.  It is good to be able to make contact with the performers and to release pictures to them.  In this instance I was sure that there were more pictures available to share, but after looking through a few thousand digital files I have only found a few of this group.  One day there will be better way to organise and find pictures.  At the moment I have to rely o my memory and go searching numbered thumbnails hoping to discover the right files.  One day the camera will record the names of the people being digitally recorded at the release of the shitter.  It may be a while yet before we are all fitted with personal recognition transmitters and it could be a civil liberties outrage to suggest that this will at least make recording and sharing of photographs easier!

©2011 PHH Sykes
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Fancies

A Servant of Two Masters (106)

A Servant of Two Masters (103)

A Servant of Two Masters (102)

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